We regret to report the loss of Police K-9
Ronin, of the
Glendale Police Department
On June 20th,
2013 Officer Wes Zygmont and his canine partner Ronin responded
to assist patrol with locating a suspect who fled on foot from
officers and recently just committed an armed robbery. While
establishing a search team, officers received information that
the suspect was running through backyards and was possibly
Officer Wes
Zygmont began a search with Ronin and narrowed the suspect’s
location to a backyard. As officers were clearing the
backyard, Ronin located the suspect hiding underneath an in
ground trampoline. Ronin bit the suspect and while officers were
attempting to take him into custody, the suspect produced a
handgun. As Ronin was biting the suspect, Officer Wes
Zygmont attempted to gain control of the handgun; however the
suspect was able to fire. The rounds struck Officer Wes Zygmont
in the hand and foot and one round fatally wounded Ronin.
Officers were able to return fire and mortally
wounded the suspect.
Officers later
learned the suspect was lying in a position of advantage
underneath the trampoline waiting to ambush approaching
officers. Officer Wes Zygmont and Ronin recently just completed
an academy and this was his first actual apprehension.
We regret to report the loss of Police K-9
Ivan, of the
Tucson Police Department
A man suspected in a carjacking and a Tucson
police dog were shot and killed late Wednesday. The incident
began when a man called 911 at 10:47 p.m. to report that a
gunman had stolen his pickup truck outside a Domino’s Pizza.
Minutes later a patrol officer spotted the truck and attempted
to pull it over. Instead, the driver led the officer on a chase.
The man continued driving even after crashing into a fence.
After pulling into an alleyway, the driver got out of the truck
and fled on foot. He was chased by several officers and the
police dog. A confrontation in a front yard of a house resulted
in the shooting. Police said Thursday afternoon that the man
held a large-caliber gun up to his head. At that time, Ivan bit
the man on the arm and the man shot and killed Ivan, Tucson
police said. Officers told the man to drop his gun, but he
refused. He was fatally shot. The alleged carjacker was
pronounced dead at the scene. Ivan died at a veterinary
hospital. The entire incident took just eight minutes.

We regret to report the loss of Police K-9
Baloo, of the
Tempe Police Department
On the evening of
June 30th, 2008, Officer John Holdinsky and K-9 Baloo, responded to a
suspicious activity call at 18:30hrs., near the Farmer Street Lofts
Project. Police already on scene had learned that two male suspects were
possibly attempting to steal copper. Suspects were last seen running
into the fenced in Farmer Street Lofts Project, which is under
construction at 450 S. Farmer Ave., near University Drive and Mill
Avenue. Officer Holdinsky and
K-9 Baloo began to search the area for the suspects. During the
search, K-9 Baloo was on the roof and unable to navigate it correctly,
resulting in his falling over 40 feet to the ground below. K-9 Baloo
survived the fall and was found by officers, lying on his stomach,
unable to move. He was then rushed to the First Regional Animal
Hospital. Veterinarians worked
valiantly through the night trying to save K-9 Baloo. It was
determined that K-9 Baloo had suffered massive spinal and internal
injuries during the steep fall. K-9 Baloo passed away at 2:15 in the
morning on July 1st, 2008, with his handler, Officer John Holdinsky
and his wife, Carol,
and members of the Tempe K-9 Unit at his side.
K-9 Baloo is remembered for his
courageousness and dedication to his K-9 Duties. K-9 Baloo is missed
by his handler and his family, who he resided with when he wasn't on
duty, members of the Tempe K-9 Unit, and by members of the Tempe
Police Department.

We regret to report the loss of Police K-9
Rico, of the
Arizona Department of Public Safety
On the evening of
August 20th, 2007, at approximately 19:10 hours, Officer Keith Duckett
observed a Chevrolet pickup truck speeding excessively in the
vicinity of mile marker 287, on Interstate 10, just outside of Benson,
Arizona. Officer Duckett then turned on his emergency lights and
attempted to pull the speeding vehicle over. Instead of pulling over to
the side of the interstate, the speeding vehicle proceeded to accelerate
even more with Officer Duckett now close behind in a brief pursuit of
the fleeing vehicle that lasted approximately three miles, with the
suspect driver now leaving the interstate and crashing the vehicle on
the side of the roadway, who then exited the vehicle along with the
passenger and began to run away. Officer Duckett inspected the suspect
vehicle and noticed a large quantity of marijuana in the rear of the
pickup truck, at which time both he and K-9 Rico engaged in a foot pursuit of the
fleeing suspects. Officer Duckett caught up to and apprehended one of
the suspects, at which time he then noticed that K-9 Rico was no longer in
sight. For some unknown reason, K-9 Rico became distracted and
instinctively returned to the DPS patrol vehicle. At some point after
this the second suspect was taken into custody, while K-9 Rico ran out
onto Interstate 10, where he was fatally injured by a tractor and
trailer. The two suspects were identified as illegal aliens from Mexico
and were booked into the Pima County
jail on suspicion of transportation of marijuana, possession of
marijuana and possession of marijuana for sale.
The amount of marijuana being transported by the suspects weighed in at 967 pounds.
Rico is remembered
for his courageousness and dedication to his K-9 Duties. He is missed by his handler and his family, whom he
resided with when he wasn't on duty, members of the Arizona Department
of Public Safety's K-9 Unit, and by
members of the Arizona Department of Public Safety.

We regret to report the loss of Police K-9
Leon, of the
Mesa Police Department
March 20th, 2007, at approximately 22:15 hours, Officer Lafontaine
detained a suspicious person on a bike in the K-Mart Parking Lot,
located on the northwest corner of Lindsay Road and Main Street, in
Mesa. Upon learning that the 19 year old detained subject was wanted on
outstanding warrants for burglary and a probation violation, Officer Lafontaine attempted to take the suspect into custody with the suspect
resisting arrest. The suspect assaulted Officer Lafontaine by
throwing his bicycle at him, then proceeded to run south in the parking
lot towards Main Street. Officer Lafontaine then deployed K-9 Leon to
apprehend the fleeing suspect, who continued to run south through the
parking lot and then proceeded to cross the street. K-9 Leon continued
on in pursuit of the suspect and as he ran south across Main Street, he
was struck by a car. Officer Lafontaine rushed over to his K-9 partner,
placed him in his vehicle and proceeded to rush him to the veterinarian
hospital, where K-9 Leon was pronounced dead on arrival. The suspect was
later apprehended by Mesa Police Officers. In addition to being booked
on the outstanding warrants, the suspect was also
booked on suspicion of aggravated assault,
resisting arrest and false reporting.
K-9 Leon is remembered
not only for his courageousness and his agility, but also for his
playful spirit. He is missed by his handler and his family, whom he
resided with when he wasn't on duty, members of the Mesa K-9 Unit and by
members of the Mesa Police Department.

We regret to report the loss of Police K-9
Robby, of the
Yuma County Sheriff's Office
On February 17th,
2007, K-9 Robby attended his last detail which was the 2007 Hank Days
parade. K-9 Robby and his handler, Detention Officer James Rochester, represented the department as
they have in past years by attending the parade procession. At
approximately 18:44 hours, K-9 Robby suddenly passed away at Officer
Rochester's residence where he was boarded. K-9 Robby has conducted
random searches in the Detention Center prisoner housing units, Yuma
County Courthouse and perimeter, In-coming property, high risk cell
extractions, and over four hundred (400) hours of in-service training
since 2001. Robby is sadly missed by his handler, the Yuma County
Sheriff's Office, and all who knew and loved him.

We regret to report the loss of Police K-9
Miko, of the
City of Tucson Police Department
Just slightly over one month after dedicating The Arizona Police
K-9 Memorial, we regret to announce yet another tragic loss,
the passing of K-9 Miko. K-9 Miko was with the City of Tucson
Police Department and assigned to Officer and K-9 handler, Gary Schad, a 10 year
veteran of the K-9 Unit.
On May 28th, 2006,
Officer Schad and K-9 Miko were hot on the trail of a suspected
carjacker. K-9 Miko was deployed to catch the suspect who had
bailed on foot. K-9 Miko pursued the suspected carjacker, who
then jumped from an overpass at Kino and Aviation Parkways with
K-9 Miko closely following. While the suspect was able to get away, K-9
Miko took a 30-foot-fall, breaking his back, shattering a leg
and suffering neurological damage. He was euthanized as a result
of his injuries. K-9 Miko has been cremated and his handler,
Officer Gary Schad, said he, his wife and their 11-year-old son
will decide in about a year where to spread his ashes. K-9 Miko
is sadly missed by Officer Schad and his family, and by all who
knew and worked with him.

We regret to report the loss of Police K-9 Rocky (Big Rock), of the
Mohave County Sheriff's Office
It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of Rocky (Big Rock). Rocky was with the Mohave County Sheriff's Office and
K-9 handler, Deputy Raja Karim. Rocky died during surgery for a broken leg. There was a freak accident during a training session when after a building search in a two story building, Deputy Karim and Rocky were leaving the building. They were walking down the stairs when Rocky suddenly started to howl and hold up his right leg. There were no signs of injury during the scenario and Rocky had a great bite. Deputy Karim attended to Rocky and took him to the vet. It was determined that he had a broken leg and surgery was needed. Rocky passed away during the surgery. Rocky
is greatly missed by his family, the Mohave County Sheriff's Office, and all that knew and loved him.
We regret to report the loss of Police K-9 Willie, of the
Apache County Sheriff's Office
The Apache County Sheriff's Office is sad to announce the death of K-9 "Willie", on
August 19th, 2005. K-9 "Willie" had been a partner to Calvin "Jay" Arnold for the past two years
prior to his untimely death.. K-9 "Willie" was at another Deputy's residence and when the Deputy went out to check on Willie, he was dead. It is unknown at this time what the cause of death is and an autopsy is being done.
K-9 "Willie" will be greatly missed by this agency and the schools throughout Apache County. K-9 "Willie" and Jay were active in doing drug free presentations at elementary schools in the county.
K-9 "Willie" was buried at the Apache County Sheriff's
Office on Monday, August 8th, 2005, at 1400 hours.
We regret to report the loss of Police K-9 RJ, of the
Phoenix Police Department
On Saturday August 13th, 2005, at approximately 1830 hours, several officers from the Central City Precinct were pursuing a suspect for armed robbery. Officer Bryan Hanania and his police service dog, R.J., were trying to apprehend the suspect after he fled his vehicle on foot in the neighborhood of 2100 East Garfield. Officer Hanania and other officers chased the suspect into an alley where the suspect had reacquired his vehicle. As the officers were in the alley, the suspect drove rapidly in their direction. The suspect appeared to intentionally drive toward R.J. and struck the K-9 with his vehicle. The officers were able to avoid being struck by the car and the suspect was eventually apprehended by other officers.
Officers immediately transported R.J. to an emergency clinic where he was diagnosed with critical injuries to include a broken spine. R.J. was euthanized as his injuries were determined to be insurmountable.
R.J. was a three year old Belgium Malinois who was with Officer Hanania and the Phoenix Police Department's Canine Unit as a team for 18 months. Officer Hanania and R.J. have deployed over three hundred times to assist officers in locating dangerous suspects and/or illegal narcotics.